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Christmas Prayers and Blessings

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Christmas Prayer for the Family

Dear Lord,
Bless all families this Christmas.
Help us all to remember this season that You chose to come to us as a humble baby.

You chose to be part of a family Yourself and came, not to be served,
but to serve and one day die for love of those who hated, deserted, and killed You.

On this Christmas day, may we always remember amid the joys, family and presents,
the reason we have this season:

That you, the Eternal Son of God came to live among us as one of us and as a member of our human family.

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Blessing the créche

A Blessing for Créche

God our Father,
bless all who gaze upon this scene of your Son’s birth.
Fill our hearts with the songs of angels,
the humility of the creatures,
The eagerness of the shepherds,
the longing of the Magi,
and the love of your Holy Family.

This Advent, grant us the virtue of hope,
and bless us throughout the Christmas season
with the joy of your presence.

Help us to discern the signs of your Spirit,
and grant us the courage to follow
wherever you lead.

Make of our home a new Bethlehem
where you are ever welcome.
And all are welcome in your name.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

About the Créche or Manger

By Paul Turner

A Christmas manger is a three-dimensional display of characters who populate the story of the birth of Christ. It is also known as a crib or a créche. St. Francis of Assisi originated the custom in the 13th century, and it has been adopted by homes, churches, and even some public squares around the world.

A manger scene usually shows Mary and Joseph together with shepherds and magi, all in reverent pose before the newborn Jesus, who lies in an animal feeding trough. Around them gather livestock—lambs, a cow, a donkey, and the camels that transported the magi. An angel may hover above the scene, proclaiming “Glory to God in the highest.” Most of these figures can be traced to the Gospel accounts to the birth of Jesus (Mt 1:18— 2:12 and Lk 2:1-20), but the cow and donkey (or ox and ass) come form a prophecy in Isaiah 1:3. Some scenes are filled with more delightfully fanciful figures. In all, the manger proclaims that Christ was born for all—the wise and the poor, angels as well as animals.

The manger foreshadows the Eucharist because Jesus would give his Body and Blood for food. It also foreshadows the cross; in art, the crib and the swaddling clothes sometimes resemble a coffin and burial cloths. When the manger is first erected, it may be

blessed with prayers from the Book of Blessings, which are also found in Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers.

In a church, the manger is not supposed to occupy a place in the sanctuary, lest it block one’s view of the altar. Still, it is fitting to arrange the scene in a place where the faithful can come, look, and be inspired to praise God for the miracle of Christmas.

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Blessing the Christmas Tree

A Blessing for your Christmas Tree:

Holy Lord, we come with joy to celebrate the birth of your Son, who rescued us from the darkness of sin by making the cross a tree of life and light.

May this tree, arrayed in splendor, remind us of the life-giving cross of Christ, that we may always rejoice in the new life that shines in our hearts.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

The Christmas Tree and its ornaments:

Chirstmas Trees are traced back to Germany. The ornaments on the Christmas tree often have special meanings. Some people collect keepsake ornaments from year to year. Other families have ornaments marking special occasions in their lives. According to German traditions every Christmas Tree should include these 11 ornaments to ensure happiness, peace and joy for the coming year:

  1. House ~ protection
  2. Rabbit ~ Hope
  3. Teapot ~ Hospitality
  4. Bird ~ Joy
  5. Rose ~ Affection
  6. Fruit Basket ~ Generosity
  7. Fish ~ Christ's blessing
  8. Pine Cone ~ Fruitfulness
  9. Santa ~ Goodwill
  10. Flower Basket ~ Good Wishes
  11. Heart ~ True Love

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St. Florian Church
13145. S.Houston Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60633
Telephone: (773) 646-4877
Fax: (773) 646-5965
Email: st.florian.church@gmail.com

  St. Florian School
13110. S. Baltimore Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60633
Telephone: (773) 646-2868
Fax: (773) 646-2891
Email: st.florian.school@gmail.com