Mass Scedule

Our Patron Saint
Pictorial Tour of St. Florian


Mass Schedule for Christmas
Christmas Prayers and Blessings

  • First Sunday of Advent:
  • Second Sunday of Advent
  • Third Sunday of Advent
  • Fourth Sunday of Advent
  1. Advent Taizé Prayer Service
  2. Our Lady of Guadalupe
  3. Feast of the Immaculate Conception
  4. Parish Reconciliation Service
  5. Parish Tree Lighting
  6. Oplatki

It can be difficult to prepare our lives for Christ amidst the busy preparations
of a material Christmas. The four weeks before Christmas are a time to prepare our families
to celebrate Christ’s birth: To prepare our minds to accept that God’s Son became a baby and lived and died for us; to prepare our hearts to accept God’s forgiveness, and to change our ways; to prepare our souls to receive God’s healing grace through the celebration of Mass; to take part in not only the work of preparation but also the hope and joy in the midst of our work.

During our Advent season, please be sure
to join together as a parish family
on the following days:

Advent Taizé Prayer Service
Saturdays at 3:30 PM
As we patiently wait to welcome the Christ-Child we offer an Advent Taizé Prayer Service at 3:30 p.m. before the 4:00 p.m. Saturday Mass.  We invite all of you to begin each week of Advent with our Taizé Prayer Service in which we sing psalms, hear scripture, reflect, all in the context of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.  Each Taizé Prayer Service ends with a special blessing.  Please join us and pray in the quiet stillness of Advent.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Spanish community will begin their Novena (nine days) to Our Lady of Guadalupe on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, at 6:30 p.m.  They will meet each evening in the Parish Meeting Room (2nd floor above Konsowski Hall) and say the rosary and special prayers to Our Lady.  All are invited to  join them for as many days as you are able.  A Mass in celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be held on Friday, Dec. 12, at  6:30 p.m.  All are invited to attend.

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Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Holy Day of Obligation
Monday, December 8th
Masses at 8:15 AM & 7:00 PM

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Parish Reconciliation Service
Wednesday, December 17th 7:00 PM

  • All Saturdays in Advent           3:00 - 3:30 PM
  • Sat.., Dec. 20                   2:30 - 3:30 & after 4PM Mass
  • Tues., Dec. 23                  7:00—8:00 PM

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Parish Tree Lighting
Saturday, December 20th
                3:30 PM           Taizé Prayer Service
                4:00 PM           Liturgy
.  This year we have chosen your “Favorite Ornament” as our theme.   All families are asked to help decorate the tree with ornaments (either purchased or homemade).  Refreshments will be available in Konsowski Hall following the tree lighting.

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Oplatki (Christmas Wafers)

Oplatki are available at the Rectory and School Office and also sold after weekend Masses in Church The cost is $2.00 per package or 3 for $5.00

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St. Florian Church
13145. S.Houston Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60633
Telephone: (773) 646-4877
Fax: (773) 646-5965

  St. Florian School
13110. S. Baltimore Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60633
Telephone: (773) 646-2868
Fax: (773) 646-2891
Email: st.florian.school@gmail.com