Picture Gallery
Spring Brunch

St. Florian Ministries
St. Florian School
St. Florian Youth Group
Food Drive

Reading for Today
The Vatican

The Archdiocese of Chicago

Our Patron Saint,
St. Florian

13145 S. Houston Avenue
Chicago, Illinois     60633
Phone: (773) 646-4877
FAX: (773) 646-5965

Weekday Masses: 7:15 a.m. (Friday Mass at 8:15 a.m.)

Saturday Masses: 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Masses: 7:30 a.m (Polish), 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon (Spanish).

Confessions: Saturdays, 3:00-3:30 p.m.

Baptisms: 4th Sundays of the Month, arrangements must be made in advance.

Marriages: Arrangements should be made personally and six months in advance.

Registrations: New parishioners are always welcome and may register at the rectory.

We are Roman Catholics of prayer, service, and long standing tradition guided by the spirit to meet the direct needs of our parishioners and neighboring communities in a demanding social environment.

We strive to achieve a sense of justice, responsibility, prayerfulness, community, and unity by providing:

  • all individuals the opportunity of receiving the Sacraments
  • the proper educational environment -- spiritually, morally, and academically
  • a channel for corporal works of mercy
  • a time and place for social gatherings and fellowship

Our goals and objectives will be accomplished through encouraging active participation in dialogue, evangelization, stewardship, prayer, and love.

Informational Sites for Catholics

Catholic Conference of Illinois
Catholic Answers

Catholic News
CN Movie Reviews

Catholic Extension

Online Prayer Book



Your Catholic Voice
Nazareth Resource Library

Visit Hegewisch.Net,
Our Neighborhood Web Page