St. Florian School

Mass Scedule

Our Patron Saint
Pictorial Tour of St. Florian

Lights, Camera, Book Fair!

As part of Catholic Schools Week, the Library will sponsor a Scholastic Book Fair From Sunday, January 25 until Wednesday January 28 in the School Gym.

Sunday, January 25, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm : Family Day.
As part of the kick off to Catholic Schools week all parish families and the public are welcome to come enjoy the Book Fair. There will be books for all ages, computer games, posters, and craft activities. A Family Day Raffle will be held with the drawing taking place at 12:00 noon.

Monday & Tuesday January 26 &27 : 9:00 am - 4:00pm
Class room visits during the school day!. Parents are welcome to visit the book fair with their children during the class visits or drop by after school to browse with their children.

Wednesday, January 28 9:00am - 4:00 pm:
Grandparents Day Sale. Come visit your grand child's class room and enjoy lunch in the gym and then drop by the book fair. Maybe even build a book with your grand child!

Also at the Book Fair:

  • Family Day Raffle! Win certificates good at the Book Fair!
  • Pre-K thru third grade color contest. Judging on Family Day with winners announced on Grandparents Day.
  • 4th- 8th Grade "Which came First, the Book or the Movie Contest" Winners also announced on Grand Parents Day.

St. Florian Church
13145. S. Houston Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60633
Telephone: (773) 646-4877
Fax: (773) 646-5965

  St. Florian School
13110. S. Baltimore Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60633
Telephone: (773) 646-2868
Fax: (773) 646-2891