Stations of the Cross at St. Florian.
Located within the church are fourteen plaster reliefs depicting the fourteen traditional Stations of the Cross. These representations of the Via Crucis date from when the current Church was built in 1927. Under each relief is brass plaque giving a description of the station in Polish.


The object of the Stations is to help the faithful to make in spirit, as it were, a pilgrimage to the chief scenes of Christ's sufferings and death, and this has become one of the most popular of Catholic devotions.

St Florian Parish offers this devotion to the faithful on Fridays during Lent.

Station I
Jesus is condemned to death


Station II
Jesus bears His Cross


Station III
Jesus falls the First time Beneath the Cross
Station IV
Jesus Meets His Holy Mother

Station V
Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the Cross
Station VI
Jesus and Veronica
Station 1Station VII
Jesus Fall a second time
Station VIII
Jesus comforts the women of Jerusalem
Station IX
Jesus falls a third time


Station X
Jesus is stripped of His garments and given gall to drink
Station XI
Jesus is nailed to the Cross

Station XII
Jesus dies
Station XIII
Jesus is taken from the cross and laid in Mary's arms
Station XIV
Jesus is laid in the tomb