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ST. FLORIAN SCHOOL Dear Parents, This week students in grades 3, 5, and 7 are taking the Terra Nova tests. These tests help us determine the progress of the students along with strengths and challenges in our curriculum. If your child is testing, make sure he/she gets plenty of rest and a good breakfast each day. While these tests are important, they are just one way of assessing the students. Day to day class work still gives us a better picture of a child's progress. Lent will begin next week—Ash Wednesday is March 9. Lent is a good time to reflect on our spiritual lives and work to deepen our relationship with God. Developing a good prayer life is a start, using such devotions as the Stations of the Cross and the rosary. Sunday Mass should be a priority, with a few weekday Masses a goal. The children will receive ashes on Ash Wednesday at either Mass or a prayer service. We will encourage the children to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. In addition, we plan to have a few Stations of the Cross services. Students in grade 2 will make their First Confession and students in grades 3-8 will also have confessions on dates to be scheduled. Parents are welcome to join us for these worship services and are encouraged to add some prayer experiences in the home. The candy sale will also begin next week (just in time for Lent). Please turn in order forms by Friday, March 4. Our second Super Bingo will be on Sunday, March 20. This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. Encourage friends and family to join us for a fun filled afternoon. Lunch will be served. Tickets are available in the school office. Games start at 1:30. A few rescheduling reminders: Many of you attended our second planning meeting on Feb. 24. Much progress was made, but in order to be completely successful, everyone needs to participate. A summary of that meeting, along with the date of the next meeting, will be sent home when available. IMPORTANT DATES IN MARCH: After many years as a teacher and principal in the Archdiocese of Chicago, I will be retiring from the school system at the end of this year. I have enjoyed my six years at St. Florian and have made some wonderful relationships. I wish you all well as you continue to keep the mission of St. Florian alive.
Philip T. McKenna
ST. FLORIAN SCHOOL Dear Parents, We are in the solemn season of Advent, a time to spiritually prepare to celebrate Christ's coming at Christmas. Our society begins celebrating the Christmas season between Halloween and Thanksgiving with reminders to shop early, images of Santa, and seasonal songs on the radio. While this can get us into the “Christmas spirit,” it detracts from the real meaning of the season. Jesus was born into the world to save us and He will return to take us home. Our hearts should be filled with gratitude and joy. Let us prepare during Advent, but let us also enjoy the weeks leading to Christmas. Ms. Levi, our music teacher, is preparing a wonderful Christmas concert which will include children from all grades. The concert will be in the gym on Thursday, December 16, at 7:00 p.m. Please plan on joining us. Progress reports for the second quarter are going home next week. These are not official documents, but a half-way report to help you and your child do what is necessary to ensure a good report card. The second quarter ends soon after Christmas vacation, Jan. 14, and report cards will go home the following week. The Parents Club will sponsor Santa's Workshop on December 9, 10 and 13 in the school library. Parents are welcome to stop in and browse. With the cold weather upon us, see to it that your children come to school properly dressed. Hats and gloves should be worn by all students. They stand outside before school and usually go outside for recess. Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated during the week of January 30. On Sunday, we will have a family Mass at 9:45, a pancake breakfast, the opening of the Book Fair, and an open house. We will once again have a grandparents/special relative day on February 2. Teacher appreciation day will be on Friday, Feb. 4. Additional activities may be planned by the Parents Club. More information will go home next month. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday evening, January 11. Plans are underway for a comprehensive meeting with Office of Catholic Schools personnel, school board, faculty, and dedicated parents. Our goal is to enlist as many people as possible in a solid marketing program. More details when we return from Christmas break. We will have a vision and hearing screening on Friday, Dec. 17, courtesy of Big Shoulders. Vision will be offered to gr. 1-8 and hearing to gr. 1-3. Permission slips are in this packet.
DECEMBER CALENDAR: Remember how important it is to attend Sunday Mass each week as a family. Teaching the faith is a partnership between home and school. Also, see that your child reads between 15 and 30 minutes each day. No skill is more important than reading. The entire St. Florian school and parish staff join me in wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take time during the holiday season to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends. Sincerely, Philip T. McKenna
ST. FLORIAN SCHOOL Dear Parents, We enter the month of November, which has so many important events. We start the month remembering our dead and close the month thanking God for the many gifts He has bestowed on us. Parent-teacher conferences will be held Thursday, November 11. The children will be dismissed at 12 noon. After school care will be available beginning at noon. There will be no school the following day. We will be sponsoring an Alumni dinner dance on Saturday evening, November 20. Our first one, celebrating 100 years, was held in 2007 and was a huge success. Alumni have been asking for another one. The cost is just $30 for dinner and entertainment. A cash bar will be available. Nov. 20 is the Saturday before Thanksgiving, allowing out of town guests to visit for an extended holiday. Spread the word. It promises to be a wonderful celebration. Our financial situation is tight. In fact, we need the help of Big Shoulders and the Office of Catholic Schools to meet our expenses, especially payroll. In justice, all families need to keep current on tuition. The Archdiocese is monitoring our tuition accounts. Unfortunately, families that fall behind may have to be excluded from school very soon. It is important that your child read every night. Reading is our most important life skill and needs to be done daily. Books, newspapers, and magazines are all good reading resources. As part of our parishioner tuition agreement, you must attend Mass every weekend and use your envelopes. This will also be monitored, and some families may have to return to the regular tuition rate. CALENDAR Tues 2: Parent-teacher conference slips due. Our Christmas concert, led by Ms. Levy, our music teacher, will be on Thursday evening, December 16, at 7:00 p.m.in the gym. This date was not on the original calendar. Enjoy this month of changing colors and have a great Thanksgiving holiday. Sincerely, Philip T. McKenna ST. FLORIAN SCHOOL Dear Parents, I hope you had a pleasant and relaxing summer. To our returning families, we welcome you back and thank you for continuing to trust St. Florian to meet your educational needs. To our new families, we are happy you chose our school and we will do all we can to make your stay here rewarding. Remember your obligations if you have been approved for the parishioner rate. You must attend Mass here on a regular basis and contribute to the church using the parish envelopes. In addition, you must volunteer at least three hours at parish or school events. Two of those hours are to be earned at Florian Fest on October 3, our largest fundraiser of the year. This tuition rate does not cover the cost of educating your child here and we offer it to those families who are truly parishioners of St. Florian. Our first Parents Club meeting has not yet been scheduled, but it will be in mid- September. This is a vital organization to St. Florian School. We still do not have a chairperson for this year. Two parents acting as co-chairs would work out very well. If you would like to consider taking on this responsibility, please let me know. I fear that if no one steps forward, we may have to disband the Parents Club. We are looking for two or three dads with a pickup truck to take aluminum cans to recycle in Burnham on the first Wednesday of every month. Please contact the school office if you can help. Pre-school, kindergarten, and sixth grade parents must turn in the immunization/medical forms by September 10. This is mandated by the state of Illinois. Hot lunches will begin on September 7. Please send lunches from home until then. Important events and activities are shared each month through the family envelope. Please look for it, update yourself on school news, then sign and return the envelope to school. Sincerely, Philip T. McKenna