Prayers of Intersession offered on behalf of St. Florian






The Prayer of St. Florian

Dear God,

Through the intercession of our patron, Saint Florian,
have mercy on the souls of our comrades who
have made the supreme sacrifice in the performance of their duty,
and on all who have gone before us after years of faithful discharge
of their responsibilities which now rest on ourselves.

Give us Grace to prepare each day for our own summons to
Thy tribunal of justice. Into Thy hands O Lord, I commend my spirit.
Wither soever Thou callest me, I am ready to go.

Merciful Father of all men, save me from all bodily harm,
if it be Thy will, but above all, help me to be loyal and true,
respectful and honorable, obedient and valiant. Thus fortified by virtue,

I shall have no fear, for I shall then belong to Thee

and shall never be separated from Thee.


The Firefighter's Prayers

St. Florian, Heaven's patron of firefighters,
who once was dedicated to the services
of your fellowmen as an official in the
Army of Rome, look with kindly and
professional eye upon your earthly force,
desirous of the preserving of our fellowmen
from the dangers to life and property.
Give us cool heads, stout hearts, strong muscles
an instinct for prudent investigation and
wise judgment.

Make us the terror of arsonists, the friends of
law-abiding citizens, kind to the frightened,
polite to the bores, strict with lawbreakers,
and obstinate to temptations.
In troubles give us strength to be efficient,
in times of great danger, give us the ability
to be calm and enable us to impart assurance
to those who verge on panic.

You know, beloved St. Florian, from the
sacrifice of your own life for the sake of
your faith, that the fireman's lot on earth
is not always a pleasant one, but your
sense of duty that so pleased God, your
courageous strength that so over-whelmed
the devil and your saintly self-control,
give us inspiration.

Make us as fearless in practicing the laws
of God as we are brave in protecting the
lives and property of our fellowmen, and
when we answer our final alarm, enroll
us in your Heavenly force, where we will be
as proud to protect the throne of God as
we have been to protect the city.


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