St. Florian's March Madness Raffle***

Enter for a chance to win a
Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide*
or $10,000 cash

Only $20.00 donation per entry
Only 3000 tickets being sold.

Drawing to be held Saturday, March 12, 2005

The Harley-Davidson Raffle is part of St. Florian's March Madness!

Winner need not be present
Winner must be 18 years or older.
Winner is responsible for all tax and liscensing.
*Dyna Glide FXD series approximate value $16,000
**$10,000 cash prize before tax in lieu of bike if desired

***Prize based on 1,000 tickets sold or 70% of tickets sold not exceeding 1,000.

for more information contact St. Florian School Office

13110. S. Baltimore Av.
PH: (773) 646-2868