Doctor |
Lived from: |
Designated a Doctor: |
1. St. Athanasius |
296-373 |
1568 by Pius V |
2. St. Ephraem the Syrian |
306-373 |
1920 by Benedict XV |
3.St. Hilary of Poitiers |
315-367 |
1851 by Pius IX |
4. St. Cyril of Jerusalem |
315-386 |
1882 by Leo XIII |
5. St. Gregory of Nazianzus |
325-389 |
1568 by Pius V |
6. St. Basil the Great |
329-379 |
1568 by Pius V |
7. St. Ambrose |
339-397 |
1295 by Boniface VIII |
8. St. John Chrysostom |
347-407 |
1568 by Pius V |
9. St. Jerome |
347-419 |
1295 by Boniface XIII |
10. St. Augustine |
354-430 |
1285 by Boniface XIII |
11. St. Cyril of Alexandria |
d. 444 |
1882 by Leo XIII |
12. St. Peter Chrysologous |
d. 450 |
1729 by Benedict XIII |
13. St. Leo the Great |
d. 461 |
1754 by Benedict XIV |
14. St. Gregory the Great |
540-604 |
1295 by Boniface XIII |
15. St. Isidore of Seville |
560-636 |
1722 by Innocent XIII |
16. St. John of Damascus |
645-749 |
1890 by Leo XIII |
17.St. Bede the Venerable |
672-735 |
1899 by Leo XIII |
18. St. Peter Damian |
1007-1072 |
1828 by Leo XII |
19. St. Amselm |
d. 1109 |
1720 by Clement XI |
20. St. Bernard of Clairvaux |
1090-1153 |
1830 by Pius VIII |
21. St. Anthony of Padua |
1195-1231 |
1946 by Pius XII |
22. St. Albert the Great |
1206-1280 |
1931 by Pius XI |
23. St. Bonaventure |
1221-1274 |
1588 by Sixtus V |
24. St. Thomas Aquinas |
1226-1274 |
1567 by Pius V |
25. St. Catherine of Siena |
1347-1380 |
1970 by Paul VI |
26. St. Teresa of Avila |
1515-1582 |
1970 by Paul VI |
27. St. Peter Canisius |
1521-1597 |
1925 by Pius XI |
28. St. John of the Cross |
1542-1591 |
1926 by Pius XI |
29. St. Robert Bellarmine |
1542-1621 |
1931 by Pius XI |
30. St. Lawrence of Brindisi |
1559-1619 |
1959 by John XXIII |
31. St. Francis de Sales |
1567-1622 |
1877 by Pius IX |
32. St. Alphonsus Ligouri |
1696-1787 |
1871 by Pius IX |
33. St. Thérèse of Lisieux |
1873-1897 |
Oct. 19, 1997 by John Paul II |
See Also: