The Manger (Crèche)
What is often called a manger is more appropriately known as the Crèche or Nativity Scene. The manger is actually the feeding trough for animal. There was no crib for the Christ Child so he was laid in a manger lined with hay. People often refer to the Stable as the manger..

It only make sense that the Family's Nativity Scene be blessed when it is set up of before Christmas.

On the fifth day of Advent, we learned a little bit about the real birth place of Jesus. Today we look at how the current Nativity Scene you find in Church and in your own home came to be.

In 1223, St. Francis of Assisi celebrated the first Feast of the Nativity. the Feast has continued from that day forward. St. Francis based his Feast on two early celebrations, the first dating from Pope Liberius (352-366) and the second from Pope Gregory III (731-741.

In the early years a consecrated host was laid in the in the Manger just as the Christ Child had lain in the manger in Bethlehem. By the 16th Century, the Creche was no longer confined to the Church as Catholics in Germany started erecting small creches (Kristkribbe) under their own Christmas trees in their homes.

Animals in the Stable

No one knows exactly what animals were present in the stable on the night Mary gave birth to our Savior, except according to Scripture the oxen and ass (Ox and Donkey) were present

"An ox knows its owner, and an ass, its master's manger; But Israel does not know, my people has not understood." -- Isaiah 1:3

In most instances sheep are also present, because Shepherds were on guard in the fields and came to see the New Born King and the sheep followed them.

The Three Magi are typically represented as showing up on camels, so camels would show up later after the birth of Christ.

According to a centuries old tale, a cat gave birth to kittens under the manger and came to Mary's assistance and watched over the Christ Child while she slept. According to the story, Mary blessed the cat and this is why a Tabby Cat has the distinctive "M" on its forehead and was at one time called the "Madonna Cat". This tale is more popular in the Coptic Church, however is not supported by Scripture.

In some countries a dove is often shown in or above the stable. The dove represents the Holy Spirit and keeps a watchful eye on the Holy Family.

People in the Stable

Mary is of course by the Manger as is Joseph

Many people do not place the Christ child in the Manger until after Midnight Mass has concluded

Other traditional visitors are the Three Magi, and often Shepherds,

Somepeople now include a drummer boy or a shepherd boy will be playing a musical instrument.. Naturally the drummer boy is a more modern tradition evoked by the 1959 Christmas carol of the same title. While not completely traditional the drummer boy emphasizes that the gifts of sharing our time and talent in service of the Lord are just as important as the treasures of the Magi.

An angel is also present either in or above the manger.

Blessing the Nativity Scene:

This rite is especially appropriate for use when the blessing takes place in the home and is given by a family member.

All make the sign of the cross as the minister says:
Our help is in the name of the Lord

All reply:
Who made heaven and earth.

One of those present or the minister reads a text of sacred Scripture, for example:

The Holy Gospel according to Luke:

The birth of Jesus.

In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria. So all went to be enrolled, each to his own town. And Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. While they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Now there were shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock.

A minister who is a priest or deacon says the prayer of blessing with hands outstretched;
a lay minister says the prayer with hands joined

God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made manifest your love: when our need for a Savior was great you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary.

To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy, and love. Lord, bless all who look upon this manger, may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise up our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Savior of all, and who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

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