Legislative Acition Alert!
It's that time again! Senate Bill 1135, which completely eliminates the Education Expense Tax Credit, has been assigned to the Senate Revenue Committee. We need the members of this committee to hear our voice! I am including their contact information for our Senator . Please call, write, and fax senator Trotter with the following simple message:

"I oppose Senate Bill 1135. The Education Expense Tax Credit is an important benefit to families choosing the best educational opportunities for their children, and it should not be eliminated. Please vote no on Senate Bill 1135."

Senator Donne E. Trotter (D)

17th District
Springfield Office:
613 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-3201

District Office:
8704 S. Constance Ave., Ste. 324
Chicago, IL 60617
(773) 933-7715

(773) 933-5498 Fax

If you care about the future of your children or the future of Catholic education you must act now before it is too late.

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