Contact the following people by letter or phone call:
Chairman Daniel Burke
District Phone: 773-471-2299
District Fax: 773-471-1648
Springfield Phone: 217-782-1117
Springfield Fax: 217-782-0927
Representative Edward Acevedo
District Phone: 312-829-2555
District Fax: 312-850-2886
Springfield Phone: 217-782-2855
Representative Bob Biggins
District Phone: 630-941-1278
District Fax: 630-941-1285
Springfield Phone: 217-782-6578
Representative Robert Bugielski
District Phone: 773-637-8770
District Fax: 773-622-6250
Springfield Phone: 217-782-0017
Representative Brent Hassert
District Phone: 630-739-7063
District Fax: 630-739-4055
Springfield Phone: 217-782-4179
Representative Larry McKeon
District Phone: 773-348-3434
District Fax: 773-348-3475
Springfield Phone: 217-782-3835
Representative Raymond Poe
District Phone: 217-782-0044
District Fax: 217-782-0897
Springfield Phone: SAME
Representative Mark Beaubien
District Phone: 847-487-5252
District Fax: 847-487-0956
Springfield Phone: 217-782-1517
Representative Richard Bradley
District Phone: 773-794-9444
District Fax: 773-794-9450
Springfield Phone: 217-782-8117
Representative Ralph Capparelli
District Phone: 773-775-5775
District Fax: 773-775-5773
Springfield Phone: 217-782-8198
Springfield Fax: 217-782-2906
Representative Lovana Jones
District Phone: 773-373-9400
District Fax: 773-3739400
Springfield Phone: 217-782-2023
Representative Carole Pankau
District Phone: 630-582-0390
District Fax: 630-630-582-0391
Springfield Phone: 217-782-8158
Representative Dan Rutherford
District Phone: 815-842-3632
District Fax: 815-842-2875
Springfield Phone: 217-782-7776
Zachary H. Wichmann
Associate Director for Education
Catholic Conference of Illinois
We are working hard to get House Bill 4077 - the Educational Improvement Corporate Tax Credit - out of the Rules Committee in the House and to a vote. We need your help to do this. Please write and call your legislators, and the leadership in the House and Senate, and encourage them to support House Bill 4077. To make this easier for you, I am attaching two sample letters that can be used or modified and a list of addresses for the appropriate leaders. Thanks you for your time and participation.
February 11, 2002
I am writing to you today as a deeply concerned Catholic school parent and as an active constituent. I urge you to support House Bill 4077, a new and innovative educational reform presently before the General Assembly.
The Educational Improvement Corporate Tax Credit will allow corporations to receive a state tax credit for financial contributions to an approved non-profit 501(c)(3) student assistance organization. In turn, these student assistance organizations will be able to award scholarships to children of low-income families across Illinois to assist them in attending the school of their choice. Under this proposed law, Catholic dioceses, Jewish day schools, Lutheran schools, public school districts and others will be eligible to form and administer student assistance organizations.
This idea has the potential of alleviating some of the financial distresses presently known to Illinois’ 576 elementary and secondary Catholic schools, which educate over 203,000 students. This legislation, by helping to ensure the financial well-being of these schools, will save over $1.3 billion dollars of the state and local taxpayer money that would otherwise be required to publicly educate these Catholic school students.
Passage of this bill is critically important to Catholic schools and to me, and your position on it will factor heavily into my future voting decisions. Please take time to consider the bill and the great help that it would provide. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Honorable George H. Ryan
Governor of Illinois
State House - Room 207
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-6830
Honorable James "Pate" Philip
Senate President
State House - Room 327
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-3840
Honorable Michael Madigan
Speaker of the House
State House - Room 300
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5350
Honorable Emil Jones
Minority Leader of the Senate
State House - Room 309A
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-2728
Honorable Lee Daniels
Minority Leader of the House
State House - Room 316
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-4014
Mr. Ron Gidwitz, Chairman
Illinois State Board of Education
100 N. First Street
Springfield, IL 62777