Legislative Action News Alert February 20, 2003
Good & Bad News Good news on House Bill 1120
(restricting the Education Expense Tax Credit).
It has been moved from the Revenue Committee to Executive Committee. This is a move that benefits us greatly. Your advocacy efforts helped immensely and we were in good shape in Revenue, but we have assurances from the Chairman of Executive that the bill was moved to his committee in order to kill it, and he will not call it for a hearing.
It was all of your great work that made this possible. Thank you. But with every piece of good news comes bad. A bill was introduced in the Senate today to end (completely end) the Education Expense Tax Credit. It has not yet been assigned to a substantive committee, so we are not asking you to do anything at this time. Expect an alert early next week. The fight continues!
If you care about the future of your children or the future of Catholic education you must act now before it is too late.
Legislative Action News Alert! February 12, 2003
If you care about the future of your children or the future of Catholic education you must act now before it is too late.
House Bill 1120 -- greatly restricting eligibility for the Education Expense Tax Credit -- has been assigned to the House Revenue Committee. We have a fighting chance of defeating the bill there. In order for that to happen, we need as much grassroots pressure on the committee members as possible. The legislature is not in session next week so we have at least a week and a half to exert as much pressure as possible.
If you happen to live in the districts of any of these legislators we especially need your help. If you need or want more detail on this issue, either call me or visit our website at www.catholicconference.org.
Below is a short message to use in either phoning, faxing, emailing, calling, or visiting these legislators, as well as their contact information.
"I oppose House Bill 1120. The Education Expense Tax Credit is an important benefit to families choosing the best educational opportunities for their children, and it should not be so greatly restricted. Please vote no on House Bill 1120."
Representative Robert S. Molaro (D)
21st District
Springfield Office:
2111-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL (217) 782-5280
(217) -217 FAX
Representative Mark H. Beaubien Jr. (R)
52nd District
Assistant Republican Leader
Springfield Office:
314 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1517
(217) 782-3189 FAX
District Office:
124-A E. Liberty Street
Wauconda, IL 60084
(847) 487-5252
(847) 487-0956 FAX
Representative Robert A. Biggins (R)
41st District
Springfield Office:
2010-H Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-6578
(217) 782-5257 FAX
District Office:
909 S. Route 83
Suite 100
Elmhurst, IL 60126
(630) 941-1278
(630) 941-1285 FAXv
Representative Barbara Flynn Currie (D)
25th District
Majority Leader
Springfield Office:
300 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8121
(217) 524-1794 FAX
District Office:
1303 E. 53rd Street
Chicago, IL 60615
(773) 667-0550
(773) 667-3010 FAX
Representative Gary Hannig (D)
98th District
Assistant Majority Leader
Springfield Office:
300 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8071
(217) 524-1794 FAX
District Office:
225 S. Macoupin Street
Gillespie, IL 62033
(217) 839-2859
(217) 839-4833 FAX
Representative Lou Lang (D)
16th District
Assistant Majority Leader
Springfield Office:
109 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1252
(217) 782-9903 FAX
District Office:
4528 W. Oakton St.
Skokie, IL 60076
(847) 673-1131
(847) 982-0393 FAX
Representative Carole Pankau (R)
45th District
Springfield Office:
2122-O Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8158
(217) 782-1336 FAX
District Office:
One Tiffany Pointe #G
Bloomingdale, IL 60108
(630) 582-0390
(630) 582-0391 FAX
Representative Ed Sullivan Jr. (R)
51st District
Springfield Office:
2140-O Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-3696
(217) -217 FAX
District Office:
506 E. Hawley Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
(847) 566-5115
(847) 566-5155 FAX
Representative Arthur L. Turner (D)
9th District
Deputy Majority Leader
Springfield Office:
300 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8116
(217) 782-0888 FAX
District Office:
3849 W. Ogden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60623
(773) 277-4700
(773) 277-4703 FAX
For more information conact:
Zachary H. Wichmann
Associate Director for Education
Catholic Conference of Illinois
- What we feared has arrived! House Bill 1120 restricts the Education Expense Tax Credit by limiting qualifying families to annual incomes of no more than 150% of the federal poverty level -- approximately $40,000 a year.
This would strip the tax credit of over $40 million annually, and preclude many of our Catholic school families from being included in this important benefit. It will have a major impact on the future of St. Florian School. We must fight this legislation!
Contact your legislator and tell them of your opposition to House Bill 1120. If you need help finding your Representative or Senator contact our offices at either 312-368-1066 or 217-528-9200.
More information will be coming in a few days with talking points and language for letters, emails and faxes. Representative Michael Smith of the 91st District (Canton) is sponsoring the legislation. His contact info is:
Springfield Office:
2088-M Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8152
(217) 557-4415 FAX
District Office:
45 East Side Square
Suite 301
Canton, IL 61520
(309) 647-7479
(309) 647-7482 FAX
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