Pope John Paul II is being called Pope John Paul the Great by many of his followers, both in an out the leadership of the Church. There is no set formula on bestowing the title Great, except public acclaim. |
![]() A Timeline of Pope John Paul II This information is condensation of the The Road to Priest Hood Born: Karol (Charles) Josef Wójtyla, 18 May 1920, in Wadowice (Kraków) Poland. Baptized: 20 June 1920 by Fr. Franciszek Zak, A chaplain in the Polish Army 1926, entered elementary school 13 April 1929: His mother died. 1930-1938, Attended Marcin Wadowita (now called "Emil Zedadlowicz") secondary school It was around this time that Adam Cardinal Sapieha, first met Karol. Karol gave a welcome speech when Cardinal Saphieha came to visit his school. He was very impressed by young Karol and the Pastor is Karol had intentions of being a priest. He was disappointed to find out that he interested in become an actor in the theatre. In the Fall of 1938, Karol was admitted to the University of Kraków major in Philosophy and historic Jagiellonian. He also joined an experimental acting troupe known as Studio 38. In July 1939, the students were drafted in the Polish Army fearing the coming invasion by Nazi Germany. September, 1939 Germany invades Poland. The war ends before Karol's training is even finished. November 1940- The University is closed by the Nazis. Karol os forced to takes job as a stone cutter. It is around this time that Karol meets a tailor named Jan Tryanowski. He introduces Karol to the writing of St Reresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, two Carmelite authors. This introduction will have a profound, dramatic impact on Karol. 18 February 1941, Karol's Father dies. 1942. Karol is forced to leave his stone cutter job and take a job in the Solvay Chemical Works. (This job as well as the stone cutter job were not options. The Nazis forced Poles to work where ever they needed them to work.) Fortunately the Jagiellian University had reopened and Karol was allowed to re-enter. However, when he re-entered, he was now studying theology with the intent of becoming a priest. In 1944, the Seminary training was forced underground by the Nazis. Cardinal Sapieha finished his training in secret for the rest of the war and later as the Soviets overran and occupied Kraków 18 January 1945. During this time Karol was hit by a car while trying to save a man's life. He was not able to work and was moved to a hospital. After his release from the hospital he continued his studies in hiding. The Nazis had no use for a Pole who could not work! During Karol Wójtyla's seminary training he went through all the stages required by the Church's discipline before Vatican Council II.
Fr. Karol Wójtyla and Life under Soviet Occupation For the Next two Years, Father Karol is studying outside of Poland On November 15 Leaves Poland to begin studies in Rome and registers at the Angelicum University. November 15 - end of December Lodging with the Pallottines in Via Pettinari. End of December Together with Fr. Starowieyski lives at the Pontifical Belgian College in Via Quirinale 26. July 3, 1947 Earns a licentiate in theology. With Fr. Starowieyski he travels to France, Belgium and Holland. In the area of Charleroi he carries out his pastoral activities with the Polish workers. June 14-19, 1948 Defends his thesis "The Problems of Faith in the Works of St. John of the Cross"; earns a doctorate in philosophy. On July 8, 1948, he from Rome to Poland and is appointed assistant pastor to Niegowic. Karol completes his master's degree in theology at the Jagellonian University in Kraków (1942-1946). Earns a doctorate in sacred theology in the Faculty of Theology at the Jagellonian University with highest marks. In August, 1949 Karol is recalled to Kraków to be assistant pastor at St. Florian's The next decade was a very busy time for the young Priest: 1950 marks the beginnings of his publications. He continues his service as a chaplain to the university students (in St. Florian's) and for health workers until September 1, 1951. In September Karol is put on leave by Archbishop Baziak until 1953 to complete his qualifying exams for a university position. From October 1953 he teaches a course in Catholic social ethics for the students of fourth year theology at the Jagellonian University. December 1-3, 1953 he finishes his qualifying exams and presenting his thesis on the "ethical system of Max Scheler". In 1954, the Soviets abolish the Faculty of Theology at the Jagellonian University. The faculty is then organized at the Seminary of Kraków where he continues his studies. Catholic University of Lublin offers him a non-tenured professorship which he accepts. On December 1, 1956 Karol is appointed to the Chair of Ethics at the Catholic University of Lublin. Almost a year later, on November 15, 1957, he is appointed to the The Central Qualifying Committee as free docent. July 4 , 1958 Appointed Auxiliary Bishop to Archbishop Mons. Eugeniusz Baziak of Kraków. Auxiliary Bishop Karol is ordained Bishop in the Cathedral of Wavel on September 28 1958 . Bishop Karol Josef Wójtyla January, 1960 Dissertation published by the Academy of Sciences (Towarzystwo Naukowe) of the Catholic University of Lublin: "Evaluation of the Possibility of Constructing a Christian Ethic based on the System of Max Scheler". During 1960 the first edition of "Love and Responsibility" is also published. On April 15, 1962 he becomes a member of the Polish Episcopal Commission for Education. After the death of Archbishop Baziak, named Vicar Capitular on July 16 . October 5, 1962 he participates in the first session of the Second Vatican Council (October 11 - December 8) and returns a year later to participate in the II Session of the Second Vatican Council. (October 6 - December 4 ) In December of 1963 Bishop Wójtyla makes pilgrimage to the Holy Land with other Bishops present at the Council. After the Pilgrimage, Bishop Wójtyla is designated Metropolitan Bishop of Kraków on December 30. On January 13 1964 a Papal Bull is issued for the appointment of Archbishop of Kraków and Archbishop Wójtyla is installed on March 8. Shortly afterwards on September 10, he leaves for the III session of the Second Vatican Council (September 14 - November 21). Afterwards he returns to the Holy Land, remaining for two weeks. From January 31 - April 6, 1965 the Archbishop participates in the work on Schema XIII, Gaudium et spes on the Church in the contemporary world. Afterwards he returns for the IV Session and solemn closing of the Second Vatican Council (September 14 - December 8 ). On November 18 he issues his Letter of Reconciliation of the Polish Bishops to the German Bishops, containing the famous words "We forgive and ask forgiveness". A year later, on December 29, 1966, Episcopal Commission for the Apostolate of the Laity is established and Archbishop Wójtyla is made President. During 1966 Archbishop Wójtyla travels throughout Poland to be present at the numerous celebrations of the Millennium of the Baptism of Poland. Karol Cardinal Wójtyla On May 29, 1967, Pope Paul VI announces the next Consistory. Karol Wójtyla is among the new Cardinal Elects. On June 28 Karol Wójtyla consecrated Cardinal in the Sistine Chapel, by Pope Paul VI - titular S. Cesareo in Palatio. October 29, 1967 is the reception ceremony of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa for the purpose of visitation within the Archdiocese of Kraków. The sacred image had been held previously by the authorities in Czestochowa. The Visitation concludes December 15. Cardinal Wójtyla attends ceremonies in 120 parishes throughout the archdiocese. On February 18, 1968 the Cardinal takes possession of the titular Church, S. Cesareo in Palatio, Rome. During his visitation to the parish of Corpus Domini on February 28, 1969, he makes a visit to the Jewish Community and to the Synagogue in the Kazimierz section of Kraków. March 15 marks the approval of the statutes of the Episcopal Conference; Cardinal Wójtyla is Vice-President of the Conference. During 1970 Cardinal Wójtyla, Made a pilgrimage of Polish priests ex-prisoners of Dachau to Rome, participated with other Polish priests in St. Peters at the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the priesthood of Paul VI. and made various pastoral visits to different European nations. During 1971 important events included the convocation of the Preparatory Commission of the Archdiocesan Synod of Kraków, Writing and publishing in the diocesan bulletin "Notificationes" plans for a Provincial Synod, and participates at the beatification of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe. He also Attends the II General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (September 30 - November 6) where he is elected to the Council of the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops. During 1972, the Cardinal opens Archdiocesan Synod of Kraków. He also travels abroad to participates in the Eucharistic Congress in Australia. Stops at Manila (Philippines) and New Guinea and also visit to Belgium. 1972 also marks the Publication of Foundations of Renewal: A Study on the Implementation of the Second Vatican Council, which reflects his efforts to educate the people of his archdiocese on Vatican II, (Published by PTT). In 1973 Cardinal Wójtyla presides over the commission of experts on the Provincial Synod, has an audience with the Pope and visits France. During 1974 he participates in meetings in Rome commemorating the VII Centenary of St. Thomas and gives a paper. He later participates in the celebrations for the anniversary of the coronation of Paul VI and for the consecration of Bishop Andrzej Maria Deskur. In 1975, Cardinal Wójtyla gives two important papers, "Participation or Alienation?" Given in Kraków)and "The rights of the Human Being in the light of the recent Synod of Bishops" (given in Milan) We also First National Assembly of Physicians and Theologians, convoked at Kraków as well as he First meeting of the new Council of the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops. He also visits the German Democratic Republic (DDR). in 1976 he Gives the spiritual exercises at the Vatican, which is later published as A Sign of Contradiction. He also gives two other papers at cultural meetings and at the Angelicum, in Rome. Late in 1976 Cardinal Wójtyla presides over the Polish delegation at the international conference in Rome for the preparations of the new Apostolic Constitution for Ecclesiastical Studies. During 1977 he participates at the third meeting of the Council of the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, gives a lecture entitled "The Problem of Creating Culture Through Human Praxis" and receives a doctorate "honoris causa" from Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. He later lectures at the "Centre du Dialogue" and presides at a meeting for Polish Catholics. He is also elected to the Council of the Secretary General of the IV General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. 1978 sees Cardinal Wójtyla giving a lecture on "Love and Marriage" at the Centro Internazionale Studi Famiglia (CISF) meeting on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Humanae Vitae. On August 11-12 he attends the funeral of Paul VI. On August 25, Conclave begins and on August 26 John Paul I (Albino Luciani) is elected Pope. On August 30 John Paul I receives Cardinals and Cardinal Wójtyla in private audience; 3 September, he is present at the inauguration ceremony of the pontificate of John Paul I. From September 19-25, he visits the Federal Republic of Germany with Cardinal Primate Stefan Wyszynski and the Bishops of Stroba and Rubin. On October 3-4 he leaves for the funeral of Pope John Paul I and on October 14 Conclave begins which will elect the new Cardinal. Cardinal Karol Wójtyla is elected Pope at approximately 5:15 p.m on October 16, 1978 becoming the 264th Successor to Peter* (*Stephen II was elected in 752 and died before his consecration, and is some times counted among the The Papal lineage. This explains the differences with the list to the right.) .
Without a doubt the most remarkable aspect of Pope John Paul II's papacy is his outreach to the world. He is the most traveled and most seen pope in history. Within a few months if becoming pope, John Paul returned to his native Poland and continued his human rights movement which would eventually shake the world. The former Soviet Union tried to prevent his return to Poland for fear that his return could spark a revolution. Their fears were not unfounded. His support of the solidarity movement and his simple message to the Polish people to 'be not afraid' shook the very foundation of communism. He was the first Pope to go behind the iron curtain, and upon his visit to Poland it was estimated that well over 8 million Poles saw him in person or on television. On one open air Mass it was estimated that over a million people attended. The fall of communism began in Poland but John Paul's message of hope and freedom quickly spread through out the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union. Within 10 years of Pope John Paul's first visit to Poland, the Iron Curtain to crumbled Among Pope John Paul II other major accomplishments was his travels to Cuba, Latin America, and the Holy Land. In all he visited over 130 countries and flew more than 750,000 miles. In his travels, he made it a point to speak for the oppressed and champion the dignity of the human being. his courage and outspokenness made him a hero of the youth of the world and as such is no surprise that he established World youth Day. The clear message of his papacy was the sanctity of human life and all of its stages. through out his life, starting well before his papacy, John Paul II spread the message that, we are all made in Christ image, and as such we are all sacred and deserving life. All life is sacred from the moment of conception until we are called to the Father. This message of life, humility, and forgiveness was made profoundly clear when Pope John Paul II went to forgave his would-be assassin. Near then end of his papacy, John Paul was stricken with another of ailments including Parkinson's disease, and arthritis. He accepted these sufferings with great joy and continued his public appearances. As the end neared he remained in the Vatican as tens of thousands stood vigil outside his residence in prayer and song. His last public address was a message of thanksgiving saying “I have looked for you. Now you have come to me, and I thank you.” He died on April 2, 2005