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St. Florian Church
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Chicago, Illinois     60633
Phone: (773) 646-4877
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SonGames 2004
The VBS of Champions

The Games Begin: Tuesday-Friday July 6-9,

Time: 9 AM-12 Noon

Where: St. florian School Cafeteria


Contact the Rectory for more details

The day has finally arrived! Athletes and spectators from around the world are gathering for the most exciting event of the year—SonGames 2004!—the all-new addition to Gospel Light’s “Fun in the Son” VBS series.

International teams proudly carry their flags as they march into the stadium. The crowd cheers at the colorful spectacle, anticipating the amazing days to come. Your children will be thrilled to be part of the excitement as they discover they can all be members of God’s team—people worldwide who love and obey Him.

Kids love being part of a team! That’s why every activity at SonGames 2004 is full of action and camaraderie. Children will cheer each other on as they play outdoor sports just like the Olympians. They’ll build team spirit as they design team flags and trade pins with new friends. Through global games, international snacks and gold-medal crafts, kids will learn about Olympic games, past and present. They’ll also be fascinated to meet one of God’s most valuable players, Paul, who lived during the days of the ancient Olympics.

Each day at SonGames, children will come to understand through Paul’s example, what it means to be on God’s team. Kids will remember the "5 daily symbols" they’ll learn for each lesson:

  • Join In!
  • Team Up!
  • Get Strong!
  • Keep On!
  • Celebrate!

They’ll learn that God wants everyone to Join In! as they experience the story of Paul’s conversion. Children will want to Team Up! with encouraging friends when they hear how Paul’s friends helped and encouraged him. They’ll find God helps them Get Strong! and do what’s right, as they witness Paul’s obedience as he traveled through Greece. Your team will be inspired to Keep On! trusting God during tough times, as they watch Paul’s perseverance. Lastly, your team will enjoy seeing Paul reach his goal and will Celebrate! the many good things that God does for the members of His team!

So begin training now for the biggest event of 2004! Go the distance, give it your best shot, and take a giant leap of faith. And remember Paul’s words as you prepare to train and strengthen God’s

young team:

Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord

Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

Let the SonGames 2004 begin!


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